From the Pastor's Pen - June 2013

Pellentesque quam justo
June 2013

Come Holy Spirit

This month, in the season of Pentecost which is the celebration of the receiving of the Holy Spirit, I’d like to offer a prayer for all of us:

Come, Holy Spirit,
the one who sang a new melody as God’s Creation rose from Chaos,
who wept at the dark shadow of a cross, and who danced early in the morning,
at the opening of an empty tomb,

Come, Holy Spirit,
the one who could not be contained by wind, or flame, or breath,
the one who blesses the Church with courage, peace, and love.

Come, Holy Spirit,
to us, who gather this day with trembling hands and uncertain hearts.
Teach us to sing a new song and to dance with reckless abandon.
Here in this gathering of believers, as you did with those so long ago,
breathe on us now.

Breathe on us,
blowing away our fears and our hesitations.
Breathe on us,
transforming our hard-heartedness
into passion-filled lives.

Breathe on us,
for we need peace,
peace that only you can give.
May God give each of you the peace you need for a restful and rejuvenating summer.